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Industrial Revolution
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Industrial Revolution: British
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Richard Arkwright: Father of the British Industrial Revolution
Sir Richard Arkwright invented the water frame for spinning cotton. He opened the world's first water-powered cotton mill in Derbyshire, England.
Joseph Wright
of Derby, Oil on Canvas. [c.1789-1790]. From Derby Museum & Art Gallery.
Sir Richard Arkwright
Arkwright 's prototype spinning machine, 1769
Sir Richard Arkwright's Showpiece Masson Mills 1783
Charles Babbage - Mechanical Computing Machine
Difference Machine
Charles Babbage Institute
Computer History Museum: The Babbage Engine
Henry Bessemer - Converts Pig Iron into Steel
Man of Steel
Sir Henry Bessemer, F.R.S. an Autobiography
Original Pilot Bessemer Converter, 1856
Matthew Boulton - Steam-powered Coin-minting Machinery
Matthew Boulton
Matthew Boulton & James Watt
Matthew Boulton
Isambard Kingdom Brunel - Builder of railroad lines, tunnels, bridges, steamships
Isambard Kingdome Brunel
A Hyperlinked Ode to Isambard Kingdom Brunel
Edmund Cartwright - Water-powered Loom
Edmund Cartwright
History of the Industrial Revolution
Brief History of the Cotton Industry
Samuel Crompton - Spinning Mule
Life of Samuel Crompton 1753-1827
Crompton's Spinning Mule
Samuel Crompton
History of Wool
Abraham Darby - Coke-smelting
Abraham Darby
Michael Faraday - Electromagnetic Induction
Faraday's Magnetic Field Induction Experiment
Part I: Sneaking Up on Einstein
World Energy Systems- Faraday
James Hargreaves - Spinning Jenny
Cotton in Preston
From Weaver to Web
Inventions & Inventors
British Industrial Revolution
Rowland Hill - Prepaid Mail & First Postage Stamps
The Victorian Revolution in Letter Writing
Penny Black
The History of Postcards
John Kay - Flying Shuttle
Spinning the Web
(Search John Kay)
Government Art Collection
The 18th Century: Powered Machines and the Industrial Revolution
Guglielmo Marconi - Transatlantic Signal from Cornwall, England, to Canada
Wireless Communication
The Nobel Prize in Physics, 1909
A Science Odyssey
Andrew Meikle - (Scottish) Water-Powered Threshing Machine
Andrew Meikle
Threshing Machines
Threshing Machine
Thomas Newcomen - Atmospheric Steam Engine
Thomas Newcomen
Thomas Newcomen
Thomas Newcomen's Atmospheric Engine
Adam Smith - Founder- Modern Economics
Why Adam Smith Is Important
The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics
Bloomberg Opinion-Adam Smith
George Stephenson - Stockton & Darlington Railway
Stephenson’s Rocket Animation
George Stephenson
Stockton & Darlington Railway
George Stephenson and the Rocket
Richard Trevithick (Cornish) - Steam Carriage
Richard Trevithick's Strong Steam
Richard Trevithick's Steam Locomotive
Google Doodle Celebrates 240 years Since His Birth
Richard Trevithick, Steam Engine Pioneer
James Watt - Improved Steam Engine
John Watt's Perfect Engine
James Watt
James Watt
Steam Engine
Josiah Wedgwood - Pottery-making Factory
Josiah Wedgwood (1730-1795)
Famous Potters
Wedgwood and the Importance of Cost Accounting
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