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SAT Review: Reading

Look through this LibGuide for SAT materials.

Your Goal: To Read Daily

To score well on the SAT reading sections, you must read.

All the published information regarding high SAT reading scores states that a person who reads acquires a diverse vocabulary and, therefore, understands words in context.

Remember that there are three levels of vocabulary: reading vocabulary, writing vocabulary, and speaking vocabulary. Your reading vocabulary is your largest. 

So read!! Read books, magazines, newspapers. This section with its subsections gives you online sources as well.

McGraw Hill Reading List

Open Book. Photography. Encyclopædia Britannica Image Quest. Web. 20 May 2013.

College-Bound Reading List

Open Book. Photography. Encyclopædia Britannica Image Quest. Web. 20 May 2013.

Rhetorical Devices

Rhetorical devices are elements or literary tools used in speaking and writing to help the speaker or writer use language more effectively.

Free Books Online

Turquoise Coloured Book With Decorative Spine And Silver Pen. Photograph. Encyclopædia Britannica Image Quest. Web. 18 May 2013.

Free books in the public domain, internet-based -- most are "classics."

SAT Word Lists

Greek and Latin Roots

SYMBOL: BEGINNING & END. - Greek Letters Alpha And Omega, Symbols For Beginning And End.. Fine Art. Encyclopædia Britannica Image Quest. Web. 20 May 2013.
The SAT creators recommend becoming familiar with Greek and Latin roots to increase your score.

Figures of Speech

The SAT reading passages do include some use of literary techniques; therefore, this "Figures of Speech" link may help you in your SAT preparation.

Logical Fallacy

Building a Better Vocabulary


SAT Critical Reading Prep Books

Digital Illustration Of Row Of Books On Bookshelf.Photograph. Encyclopædia Britannica Image Quest.Web. 13 May 2013.

These materials are in the Phoenix Center Library's "College and Career" (CC) section.

Reading Strategies: Scaffolding Students' Interactions with Text

NYT Learning Network

The New York Times offers its awesome "Learning Network" blog where the students can comment on news; take a daily news quiz; do a crossword puzzle; get ideas from readers; participate in the NYT summer reading contest; click on "On this Day" to explore a day in history; check out Finding Dulcinea with whom the NYT is collaborating; and more.

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Summarizing Readings

"Mind mapping can help you understand and remember the important issues in your readings." The following steps to creating a mind map can help summarize your readings.

Retrieved from James Cooke University

Summerising Readings using Mindmapping diagram