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Cyberbullying : Home

Cyberbullying is the intentional use of technology (email, cell phone, social media or website) to hurt someone. Inside this guide are books, websites, videos, podcasts and news to begin the discussion on cyberbullying for teens at Concordia.

Did you know?

  • 85% of middle school students report being cyberbullied at least once.
  • 32% of American teens who use the internet report some form of online harassment.
  • In a recent study, 72% of participants, ages 12 to 17, claimed they knew who was doing the cyberbullying.

Judge Tom Jacobs, Teen cyberbullying investigated (2010)

New York Times Cyberbullying RSS Feed

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Gale Opposing Viewpoints

Use the search terms cyberbullying, cyberbullies, or bully to find viewpoint articles, news, magazines, videos, audio files, and statistics.  Read the viewpoint articles to see the two sides of the issue.

Databases for Cyberbulling

MS/HS Librarian

Rosen Health



Myths and Facts About Bullying and Cyberbullying

Myth: Cyberbullies are usually people who are popular, athletic, and attractive.

Fact: Cyberbullies come in all shapes and sizes. Because people who cyberbully can hide behind their anonymity, they are often physically weak and socially awkward. Often, they are the victims of traditional bullying who turn to cyberbullying to get revenge.

Myth: Young people are rarely the cyberbullies.

Fact: Although they may not always be the main perpetrators, 53 percent of students in fourth to eighth grade admit that they have said mean or hurtful things to someone online. Another 5 percent admit that they participate in cyberbullying “quite often,” according to the publication Reclaiming Children and Youth.

Myth: Most teens will not experience cyberbullying.

Fact: Recent surveys conducted by Internet safety organizations show that more than 50 percent of adolescents experience some form of cyberbullying. Many times, it begins as early as age nine. In the teen years, cyberbullying usually accompanies some form of sexual harassment.

Myth: More boys than girls participate in cyberbullying.

Fact: Boys and girls participate in cyberbullying equally, although for different reasons. They also use different methods. Girls tend to use more passive approaches, such as spreading rumors and gossip to damage reputations and relationships. Boys tend to use direct threats and cyberbully as a means of revenge.

Myth: Children rarely miss school to avoid bullying.

Fact: Educators estimate that more than 160,000 students miss school each day in the United States because they fear being bullied or harassed by their peers, according to the publication InternetWeek.

"Bullying and Cyberbullying." Teen Health and Wellness. Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., 2012. Web. 9 Dec. 2012 <>


Cyberbullying Movie

BrainPOP has a funny video explaining what cyberbulling is and what to do if you are being bullied.  A great starting place for anyone wanting a quick introduction to how students can be cyberbullied and what students can do if it happens to them.  Click on the link to go to BrainPOP for more resources on bullying or click on the link to go to the cyberbulling movie.